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My Story

" A lack of knowledge creates fear. Seeking knowledge creates courage.”




















     "How could something so big fit through something so small!", I would say with my friends in high school.


      I decided that I would just adopt or not have children. But I knew this was, fear. I had tackled this before in many areas of my life. The most memorable was when my older sister encouraged me to walk into the store by myself, even though I was afraid of the Crowd of people. She told me that I needed to do it so that my social anxiety could improve. My anxiety only increased the more I put off going into the store. The same was true for Avoiding the topic of childbirth while knowing how much I wanted to have children, wasn't going to work.


      I decided to research how the process really went. Like most young people, the internet was where I grew a better understanding of the world. I first discovered what it really looks like to give birth, on youtube.  While in high school I found myself drawn to birth again. But this time I saw an unedited version of life being brought into the world, online. The first Birth that I saw was a woman having her baby near a stream. It shocked me so much! She was alone for the majority of the birth and up to the delivery of her son. What interested me was the obvious lack of fear and the great confidence that she had in her ability to give birth to her baby. I admired her. I wanted toBe her! Ok, maybe not exactly. (no stream babies for me, honey)


      During that time, I also watched many birth documentaries where others were birthing at home, birth centers and hospitals with a person called a Doula. I noticed the people who used the doulas and/or midwives were interested in being more educated about the type of birth they wanted.  I found out how doulas can be a vital part of improving this journey to motherhood. 


      My heart lit up the more I learned about them. Not only did I want to make sure I had a doula when I gave birth, but I also wanted to become one. But there was the fear again at my door. I couldn't be a doula, what about my degree?


      I had dreams of going to college for fine art and I was worried about doing something that seemed like it was in the complete opposite direction. My Family would be confused. "I didn't know you liked medical stuff?"

"Why don't you just become a nurse?" But that wasn't too big of a deal. I wasn't shy about shocking my family.  this would be a shock just like when I was married to my Handsome husband a month away from my 22nd birthday. So now the obstacle was me.

















being a doula was something I couldn't get away from. I was obsessed with doulas! I'd researched everything I needed to do to be one.  Ever since I said "I do" to my husband and said "no" to finishing art school, I couldn't use "the maybe one-day" excuse. It was the moment of truth. 


So I just did it! I signed u for the next doula training. After that training, I was sure this is where I wanted to be. 

Husband and I ready for my birthday dinn

    My love of pregnancy and birth was planted at a young age.  I remember watching TLC’s reality TV show called “A Baby Story” early and in the morning as a child. The show followed a couple through their journey through pregnancy and birth. I remember finding this show incredibly interesting, despite how shocking or scary this might have been for a child. Soon after watching this show, my Barbie dolls were having babies. 

At this time, birth didn't scare me; like it would as I’d older, this was just the way it is.  



   As I grew older I thought more about my future. I still wanted to be a mother, which I was reminded of every time I babysat children. Now I was Far from the Feeling that I had about birth As a CHild. 

Whitnee was our doula for the birth of baby #7.  We recently moved to Tampa and I was apprehensive about hiring a new doula.  However, once I met Whitnee I felt very comfortable!  It was clear that she was knowledgeable about birth and has a passion for being a doula.  When she arrived at our house for the birth, she was ready with different techniques for soothing pain during contractions.  She was great at having a variety of comfort measures to try and was really good about showing my mom how to incorporate them as well.  My mom has not attended a birth before so Whitnee was helpful in getting her involved.  I felt very supported and encouraged during the whole labor!  I had a 9 lb 2 oz baby at home in the water and would call the experience peaceful and beautiful.  Having Whitnee as our doula definitely helped facilitate that for everyone involved!

, Lynn H.






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